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What is Grief if not Love Persevering?

No Love is lost for the one that you loss.

What is Grief if not Love Persevering?

This is what I have experienced this week. I had a great loss last weekend, the loss of my beautiful friend and this week has brought shock, disbelief, sadness and anxiety. Though through all the emotions, the love we shared in our friendship and all the memories we made carried me. Though not easy, the love persevered. It doesn’t minimise the pain, or simplify it, but it makes you fortunate for the time you had, however short it may of been.

What is Grief if not Love Persevering?

It’s a journey, Love Persevering that is, it’s easy to love your friend because you have for some time, but its hard to let it carry you. When you want to cry, and scream and be angry. Because as much as we want it to stop, to pause, even for a minute life doesn’t and we are forced to keep living. 

What is Grief if not Love Persevering?